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Tips for Snowshoeing

Nancy Zane

This week certainly didn’t feel like a typical mid-November day with temperature in the 60’s and 70’s throughout Maine. It may be hard for folks to think about but winter really is right around the corner.

Snowshoeing is one of the most accessible and affordable winter activities that you can do to keep fit and healthy throughout the year.

Here are a few tips to make your first trip a success:

  1. Before you run out and invest in a pair of snowshoes rent or borrow snowshoes from a friend. Better yet, hire a guide! This will give you the opportunity to try out a variety of snowshoes, and get all your questions answered.

  2. Use poles. Especially if you intend to snowshoe in steep terrain. You can you ski poles or hiking poles just make sure you use larger baskets on the tips.

  3. Pack extra food, and extra clothes.  You will burn a lot of calories! Carbohydrates are your friend. An extra warm jacket or fleece, socks (in case they get wet), gloves and a hat are always in my winter pack.

  4. Hydration is key. It can be hard to drink cold water on a cold winter day. A thermos of tea or your favorite hot drink is essential.

  5. Bring a repair kit and small first aid kit. My basic repair kit includes duct tape and zip ties. You can wrap some duct tape around your hiking pole or water bottle. My first aid kit consists of a variety of band-aids, an ace bandage, moleskin, and some cravats (or bandanas) and hand and foot warmers.

  1. Take turn breaking trail in fresh snow! It is hard work. As soon as the leader gets tired they can move to the back of the group for a needed break.

Have fun! Stay safe! Embrace the Winter!


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